Retrofit Kit Panamera 970 - for Valved Exhausts

Retrofit Kit Panamera 970 - for Valved Exhausts

Dele #: BES KLS 970 001

NOK 13 552,00 Uten MVA
NOK 16 940,00 ink.MVA
uten Frakt
Prisoppdatering Nødvendig


Vehicles which were delivered without the Porsche Sport Exhaust (PSE) will need this kit for installation. It includes all of the vacuum lines and electronics needed to upgrade your exhaust to a valved system.

What's in the box:
- Electronic control module.
- Wiring Harness.
- Vacuum Valve and vacuum lines.
- Vacuum box with support.
- Open / Closed button.
- Mounting hardware.


Også kjent under BESKLS970001 BES.KLS.970.001 BES-KLS-970-001
