Winter wheel kit ( TPM ) BBS SR Himalaya-grey 8 + 10x18 ET50/41 with Michelin Pilot Alpin PA4
Winter wheel kit ( TPM ) BBS SR Himalaya-grey 8 + 10x18 ET50/41 with Michelin Pilot Alpin PA4

Winter wheel kit ( TPM ) BBS SR Himalaya-grey 8 + 10x18 ET50/41 with Michelin Pilot Alpin PA4

Dele #: WKR SR8 101 8SRDK

NOK 44 393,60 Uten MVA
NOK 55 492,00 ink.MVA
uten Frakt
Prisoppdatering Nødvendig


Winterradsatz BBS SR und Michelin Pilot Alpin und RDK Sensoren.
Ist fixgebohrt ( OE Felgendeckel passt).

8 x 18 ET50 mit 235-40-18 95V Michelin Pilot Alpin PA4
10 x 18 ET41 mit 265-40-18 101V Michelin Pilot Alpin PA4


Også kjent under WKRSR81018SRDK WKR.SR8.101.8SRDK WKR-SR8-101-8SRDK
