Querlenker hinten links unten 993 94 - Überholung Race (85 Shore), Vorabanlieferung eigenes Altteil
Querlenker hinten links unten 993 94 - Überholung Race (85 Shore), Vorabanlieferung eigenes Altteil
Querlenker hinten links unten 993 94 - Überholung Race (85 Shore), Vorabanlieferung eigenes Altteil
Querlenker hinten links unten 993 94 - Überholung Race (85 Shore), Vorabanlieferung eigenes Altteil
Querlenker hinten links unten 993 94 - Überholung Race (85 Shore), Vorabanlieferung eigenes Altteil
Querlenker hinten links unten 993 94 - Überholung Race (85 Shore), Vorabanlieferung eigenes Altteil

Querlenker hinten links unten 993 94 - Überholung Race (85 Shore), Vorabanlieferung eigenes Altteil

Referenz-Nr.: FVD 331 041 02ATKR
Verfügbar in 4-14 TagenVerfügbar in 4-14 Tagen

UVP: $ 462.45
$ 258.00
zzgl. Versand
Preisänderung vorbehalten


Unsure about installing replacement bushings and bearings? Send us your wishbone and we will properly recondition and install the bushings and bearings for you.

The reconditioning process includes full inspection to ensure proper operation after the remanufacturing process. We then disassemble, degrease, and completely clean it. Once fully prepared, we will professionally install the bushings.

Please note: Each part is remanufactured in Germany, so the lead times can vary. If we cannot remanufacture your part, we will notify you as soon as we can. Arrangements can be made for its return to you. We do not offer a core exchange on this part.


Auch bekannt unter FVD33104102ATKR FVD.331.041.02ATKR FVD-331-041-02ATKR
